Emanuel Cleaver tweeted the following:
"Yesterday, @HouseDemocrats passed the #CHIPSandScience Act, helping us:-Make more critical goods in America-Bolster Americas global competitiveness-Strengthen our national security-Fund research & innovation Proud to have voted YES on this bill!cleaver.house.gov/media-center/p"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Emanuel Cleaver:
"Not only is the GOP blocking legislation to provide life-saving healthcare to veterans with cancerthey are doing it because Democrats want to pass legislation to lower healthcare & prescription drug costs #ForThePeople.This is the GOP in 2022, folks: twitter.com/NBCNews/status"Read on Twitter
"Missouris world class universities, accompanied by innovation districts & partnerships with local hospitals, make for a perfect location for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health.I'll keep working with Missouri lawmakers to bring this agencyand jobsto our state. twitter.com/rollcall/statu" on July 28Read on Twitter
"The #CHIPSandScience Act will:-Lower costs for American families-Create 100,000 new good-paying jobs-Strengthen American manufacturing-Make our supply chains more resilient.-Boost American R&D-Build a diverse #STEM workforceThis is how we win the 21st century!" on July 28Read on Twitter